The genie joke

424461_412914045450456_627438586_nA man and his wife were walking along the beach for their 30th wedding anniversary. They were both 50 years old. There on the beach was a lamp, so they picked it up and rubbed it. Out came a genie and gave them each one wish.

The wife asked for air tickets to a dozen different beautiful cities around the world. Poof! After the smoke cleared she stood there with a dozen air tickets in her hands. She was so delighted she jumped for joy.

Now it was the man’s turn to ask for a wish. He hung his head and sheepishly said to the genie “I want a wife 30 years younger than me.” Poof, when the smoke cleared he was 80 years old.

Well, the moral of this little joke is that it is important to be careful what we ask God for. It might be that what we are asking God for is not a big enough request, or a request that would somehow hurt us. Sometimes we get upset because it takes a long time for God to answer our prayer. But maybe there is a reason that God is taking his time. Maybe if we shortcut the amount of time it takes to get our prayer answered, it will short circuit our life in some way that we can’t see.

Are you praying for things that you haven’t gotten yet? Keep the faith, keep thanking God that the answer is coming. Be grateful for all the things God has already given you. Your gratitude strengthens your faith, and faith is important for answered prayer.

“Don’t stop believing, hold on to that feeling…” That is a line from a song by Journey. When you keep believing and you hold on to that feeling that you have already received what you pray for in God’s will, it will make it more likely to happen.

God loves you more than you love yourself, and he wants good things for you even more than you do. Don’t be afraid to pray for things you want, God is your father in heaven (if you are a Christian) and he wants to give you good things, just like an earthly father enjoys giving good things to his children. If you have a dream or desire in your heart, maybe it came from God.

Motivating and encouraging ideas on my facebook.


  1. I love this. I believe everything happens for a reason, good or bad. The law of averages suggests, that when a lot of rubbish keeps coming our way, something fantastic is coming our way too.

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